PHONE: 740-432-2381

Click on the link below to review the Guernsey County PRC Plan in it's entirety:
Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Plan (PRC) - Guernsey County (ORC 5108.4)

The Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) Program is designed to provide benefits and services to low-income families who are in need of help with essential supports to move out of poverty and become self-sufficient. If you believe you meet the qualifications for one or more of the specific PRC types listed below, bring all of the verifications listed on the service specific checklist to the Guernsey County Department of Job and Family Services front desk and complete a PRC Application.

**Please note: You must explore eligibility through HEAP first before being considered eligible for PRC assistance through GCJFS for Public Utilities (i.e. AEP, Columbia Gas, City of Cambridge) during the Winter heating season, November 1st through March 31st. The Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) offers several programs to help low-income Ohioans pay their utility bills and improve the energy efficiency of their homes. GMN Tri-County Community Action administers the Home Energy Assistance Program & Percentage of Income Payment Program (HEAP & PIPP) for Guernsey County and is a valuable resource for other needs.

For assistance with utility bills during this time period, contact:

GMN Tri-County Community Action Commission

For more information on the HEAP program and to get an application on Energy Assistance Programs visit the Ohio Department of Development.

Who IS Eligible?
In general, services are available to households under 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (see specific categories for category specific income guidelines) living within Guernsey County, with at least one minor child living in the home or an individual who is pregnant and in the last trimester of pregnancy. Some PRC benefits are also available to non-custodial parents of a minor child who lives in the State of Ohio and does not live in the same household as the minor child.
Who Is NOT Eligible?

Ineligible households include but are not limited to:

  1. Households without a minor child or an individual in the last trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Households that cannot show that they will be able to handle the on-going expenses related to the request (ex: pay next month's bill).
  3. Households whose request does not eliminate the immediate problem.
  4. Households with a member who is under sanction on OWF and/or Food Stamps. Compliance must be met and sanction period served.
  5. Households who do not use their own resources to help meet their need.
  6. Households with a member who has received PRC in Guernsey County or any another county are held to time limits of the Guernsey County PRC Plan.
  7. Households that falsify a PRC application or fail to cooperate with any service plan connected to their PRC Assistance. Falsified applications will disqualify all household members from the PRC program for 12 months. Applicant is responsible for all information provided for the application.
  8. Households with a member who has quit a job without “good cause,” as defined by GCJFS, within 60 days prior to the date of the PRC Application.
  9. Households with a member that fraudulently received assistance under OWF and/or PRC programs until repayment occurs.
  10. Households with a member having any outstanding intentional program violation (IPV) overpayment balance or who are serving a disqualification from an IPV.
  11. Households with a member who is ineligible for programs due to deliberate non-compliance with terms of his/her assistance. An example of this may be an individual who signs-off of OWF assistance because they do nto wish to participate in work activities.
  12. Individuals who are not citizens of the United States or qualified alien.
  13. Households with a member who is a fugitive felons and/or probation and parole violator.
General PRC Process and Guidelines

PRC Process

1. Complete a PRC application at the Guernsey County Job and Family Services office or print and complete the PRC application and drop off at the Guernsey County Job and Family Services office.

2. Receive checklist of required documentation for the type of PRC you are requesting.

3. Collect ALL required documentation on checklist.
4. Your application will be processed in the order it was received by the agency. It can take up to 10 days to process applications. You will be called if additional documentation is needed.

5. You will receive a letter after the application has been processed stating whether the application has been approved or denied.

6. If your application is approved, a pledge of payment will be made on the approved bills.

General Guidelines

  • Applications are only valid for 30 days, beginning the date the application is signed. If applicants have not met the requirements or provided all documentation within the 30 day period, the application will be denied.

  • Household members may have to provide verification of birth, identity, citizenship and residency if not already on file with the agency.

  • For bills, PRC must bring the bill to current status ($0 balance unless it is a PIP account). If the bill changes before the appplication is approved, you may be required to provide an updated bill and additional co-payment.
PRC Services Available Through Guernsey County Include:


Automobile Repair for employed individuals. Up to $500.00 maximum in a 24 month period. 
1. 3 vehicle written estimates must be received;
2. Must select from county W9 list;
3. Work must be warranted for 30 days;
4. Applicant must be working at least 20 hours a week or actively participating in a required work activity through OhioMeansJobs Guernsey County/Job & Family Services;
5. Repair must not exceed Bluebook value of vehicle;
6. Current motor vehicle insurance/proof of liability insurance, and current and valid driver’s license must be provided by applicant;
7. Verification of employment may be requested.
This category is for households at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level and is for employment purposes. Services can only be used once in a twenty-four month period (2 years) and count toward all household members.

Public Transportation within county for Employed Individuals. Maximum of 3 weeks for temporary transportation issues. Individuals with bona-fide offer of employment and verified start date are considered employed. Employment must be for at least 25 hours per week, outside of the home, and not considered self-employment. (Only available if contract with public transportation provider is in place).

Work Related Expenses

Work Related Expenses

Work Related Expenses, such as required clothing/uniforms and/or tools/equipment can be purchased for individuals who have obtained a job within 30 days prior to the date of signing the application, have not received their 1st pay from the current employer, and have not had any employment related income (including short/long-term disability from employer, not unemployment) in the 30 days prior to the date of signing the application. These are nonrecurring items and cannot be purchased again (i.e. if a tool wears out, it cannot be purchased through PRC again). This category is for households at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level. Work Related Expenses can only be paid once in a twenty-four month period (2 years) and count toward all household members.

Print Work Related Expenses Verifications and bring all documents to the Guernsey County Department of Job and Family Services. All verifications must be reflective of your household situation at the time application is completed.

On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job Training is a contract service paid to employers to train new employees and continue to employ the individual after the probationary period. This service is accessed first through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program. The process is started by completing the WIOA Career Advancement Packet and submitting it to OhioMeansJobs - Guernsey County.
Guernsey County JFS
324 Highland Avenue Cambridge, OH 43725
Phone: 740-432-2381 | 800-307-8422
Fax: 740-432-1952

A proud partner of the American Job Center network
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