PHONE: 740-432-2381
Child Support Payments


If you have been ordered to pay by an income withholding where support is deducted directly from your paycheck or bank account, you must still pay through the Ohio Child Support Payment Central until the support is deducted from your wages or your account. Most deductions take two to three weeks to begin after the support order is finalized. Do not make support payments directly to the custodial parent. Ohio Law deems direct payments a gift. For your convenience, the Guernsey County CSEA offers several options for making and receiving child support payments.

Guernsey County Child Support
324 Highland Avenue Cambridge, Ohio 43725
740-432-2381 or 800-307-8422
To check the status of a payment 24 hrs per day, 7 days per week:
To mail a check or money order for a child support payment:

PO Box 182372
Columbus OH 43218-2372

Please include the following information on your payment:
Obligor's Name
10 Digit Case Number
Order Number 

To make a credit/debit card payment:
Click on: Pay Child Support by Credit Card
smiOne Card, to report lost/stolen cards, to establish a PIN, or for a balance inquiry: 1-855-279-2744 or
MoneyGram - Receive
Code#14674 (Ohio CSPC) 
Cash at MoneyGram locations: (fee $3.99)
Credit/Debit Card Payments: (fee starting at $7.99)
Pay cash or money order at the Guernsey County DJFS/CSEA Guernsey County DJFS/CSEA
324 Highland Avenue
Cambridge, Ohio  43725
Guernsey County JFS
324 Highland Avenue Cambridge, OH 43725
Phone: 740-432-2381 | 800-307-8422
Fax: 740-432-1952

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