PHONE: 740-432-2381
At OhioMeansJobs - Guernsey County , we can help you with workforce development, workforce needs, and the information and resources needed to help your business thrive and grow.
We provide a full range of services to area businesses:

Employee Recruitment

  • Job postings - List your job opening on our Job Leads Board. No cost to you.
  • Job Matching Service through the State of Ohio’s website - Post a quick job post yourself on and reach qualified applicants from within our area and beyond, or have us post for you. No cost.
  • Pre-Screening Services - We can screen applications, take resumés, or administer pre-employment testing, customized to your needs.
  • Interview & Conference Room availability - Office space available for interviewing and recruiting
  • Recruitments & Job Fairs - Set up an exclusive recruitment day for your company, or attend a Job Fair with multiple employers.

Workforce Development

We have products developed to help you train new or existing workers, such as On-the Job Training

On-the-Job Training Program (OJT) (*upon availability of funding)

A way for companies to get back some of their tax dollars in order to help defray the costs associated with training new employees.

Paperwork is minimal and process is quite simple:

  • Hire who you want
  • Train them to your standards, and
  • Retain them

If your new employee is determined eligible, a training plan is created (your standards) and we reimburse you a percentrage of their wages during training. Reimbursement rate is calculated on a sliding scale based on size of company. Maximum reimbursement is $6,000. Reimbursement is broken down into 2 payment points: 1st upon completion of probationary training period and 2nd 90 days after probationary training is complete.


  • You become approved as training provider through our office
  • You decide who you want to hire, either on your own or through OhioMeansJobs - Guernsey County referrals
  • You contact us prior to their start date and we determine if they are eligible for training
  • If eligible, you put together brief but specific training plan
  • Once they complete training period (4 weeks min/6 months max) you get reimbursed % of employees regular wages.
  • If you retain them 90 days after initial training complete, you qualify for an additional reimbursement % of employees regular wages.

To get started: Complete the Employer Checklist (pdf form) and OJT Agreement (pdf form) and return to us along with job descriptions for any positions you wish to use On-the-Job Training.

Other On-the-Job Training Forms

  • Initial Training Invoice
  • Training Plan
  • Training Rules
  • Post Probation Training Invoice
Guernsey County JFS
324 Highland Avenue Cambridge, OH 43725
Phone: 740-432-2381 | 800-307-8422
Fax: 740-432-1952

A proud partner of the American Job Center network
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