PHONE: 740-432-2381
Report Fraud
Report Welfare Fraud

Do you know of someone committing welfare fraud in Guernsey County?

Help us catch those who are taking advantage of Ohio’s programs that assist needy Ohioans. If you suspect or have knowledge of fraud being committed in Guernsey County, you can make an anonymous report in one of the following ways. The information you supply will be kept in strict confidence.

What is the Fraud Investigation Unit?

The Guernsey County JFS Fraud Investigation Unit provides an avenue for individuals to report fraud, waste, and abuse within GJFS programs and operations. We handle allegations regarding violations of law or regulations affecting GCJFS programs and operations.

What Should I Report to the Fraud Investigation Unit?

A variety of situations may be considered fraud in GCJFS programs. Some frequent examples include but are not limited to the following:

An individual or individuals receiving public assistance such as Food Stamps, Ohio Works First (cash assistance), Childcare, or Medicaid:

  • Conceals employment or fails to report employment while receiving benefits.
  • Fails to report unearned income such as, but not limited to, Child Support, Social Security benefits, SSI benefits, Unemployment Compensation or settlements and inheritances.
  • Receives benefits for a child not under their care or an adult not living in the household.
  • Conceals their marriage or assets of their spouse from GCJFS while receiving benefits.
  • Fails to report a parent or legal guardian of a child residing in the home as living in the household.
  • Participates in Food Stamp trafficking.
  • Resides outside of Guernsey County and is receiving benefits from GCJFS.
  • Fails to notify GCJFS of the death of a case member and continues to receive and utilize the benefits of the deceased.

What Should I not Report to the Fraud Reporting System?

Many serious crimes can occur hand in hand with welfare fraud. It is important to realize that many of these are beyond the scope of GCJFS and the GCJFS Fraud Unit specifically. The serious nature of these crimes dictates the intervention and involvement of Law Enforcement professionals or other trained personnel in their resolution.

  • Allegations of Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking. Reports involving crimes of this nature should be made to the Guernsey County Sheriff’s Dept. or the local police department.
  • Allegations of Child Abuse or Neglect. Reports of this nature should be directed to Guernsey County Children Services.
  • Allegations of Welfare Fraud not occurring in Guernsey County. Reports of Welfare Fraud occurring in other counties should be made to the county in question or to the main Ohio Department of Job and Family Services webpage at
Guernsey County JFS
324 Highland Avenue Cambridge, OH 43725
Phone: 740-432-2381 | 800-307-8422
Fax: 740-432-1952

A proud partner of the American Job Center network
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